Autumn no spend weekend

Autumn has to be one of my favourite times of the year. The air is becoming cooler and crisp, the trees are showing off their wonderful autumnal colours and I get to cover up with big coats and scarves. πŸ˜‚

We don’t need to spend money to have fun with our children. So here’s a list for your family to make memories this season without over spending πŸ˜€πŸ™ŒπŸ»

β€’ Leaf hunt – take a bag or bucket to bring your leafs home for the next activity down below ⬇️

β€’ Leaf picture

β€’ Nature walk

β€’ Bug hunt

β€’ Bird spotting

β€’ Pumpkin picking

β€’ Pumpkin carving/painting

β€’ Bake – cookies, cakes whatever you like!

β€’ Try a new recipe – get everyone involved in helping to cook.

β€’ Drink hot chocolate whilst watching hocus pocus/halloween town whatever your autumn favourites are!

β€’ Make a bird feeder – used toilet roll holder, spoon peanut butter over the roll then dip in bird seed. Hang up with string anywhere you fancy ☺️

β€’ Trampoline leaf jump – collect as many leaves as you can, scatter over your trampoline and jump jump jumpπŸ˜€

β€’ Colouring books

β€’ Rock painting – collect rocks, paint and hide them around your neighbourhood. You could even paint rocks with an autumn theme in mind πŸ™Š

β€’ Camp out in the living room watching all your favourite movies.

β€’ Go on a bike ride

β€’ Go on a picnic

β€’ Stargazing – we take blankets and pillows on to the trampoline, lie down and gaze up at the stars. You can do this from anywhere though!

β€’ Conker picking

β€’ Go trick or treating

β€’ Fly a kite

β€’ Chalk pictures outdoors

β€’ Visit your local library and take out some season books.

Is there anything else you like to do with your littles in autumn? Let me know ☺️